What We Talk About When We Talk About Work is a programme of public discussions bringing together curators and artists working across the north of the UK with creative practitioners from different European cities. The discussions are focused upon exploring ways of working outside, across, between and within existing institutional structures. Each event takes a particular thematic inviting practitioners to share their current projects and their approach to working. The first phase of the programme launched on 2nd November 2017 at Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art with events occurring regularly until August 2018. Each discussion was broadcast by this is tomorrow and archived on the magazines website. Recordings of all the talks are further available to view on the archived event pages of this site.
Two writing bursaries were available for writers, artists or curators to attend one of the programmed talks and develop a new piece of text in response to the discussions for this is tomorrow. A review of the launch event at mima by the first bursary recipient Celine Elliot can be read online here the second review on the final event in the programme “On Sound and Listenting” at The Whitworth, Manchester by Laura Rushton will be published on this is tomorrow at the end of September.
To stay informed of the project’s development and for further details of the previous events please contact lauramansf (@) gmail . com
What We Talk About When We Talk About Work has been developed by Laura Mansfield in collaboration with this is tomorrow, Contemporary Visual Arts Network North West, Yorkshire & Humberside Visual Arts Network, North East Contemporary Visual Arts Network and the participating venues of Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, NGCA Sunderland, Bluecoat, Grundy Art Gallery, The Tetley and The Whitworth.
Supported using public funding by Arts Council England.